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We’re BarCloud, A Barcode Scanning

Software and Technology Solutions



Beautifully made, highlighting the important elements


Easy to use for your company, or just day to day life


Personalize the app for your needs


Benefit from permanent support and help

BarCloud Studio changes the scanning game forever.

Backend server

Our efficient back-end server can retrieve instant data about your product, while also providing you with a beautifully made interface to handle any customization you might need

Mobile client

Use our app on your device to scan the bar code from any product, and find all the relevant information about that product

SDK integration

Use our SDK in your app, with full support and customization, from our team

Learn More

BarCloud Client

for Android & iOS

Run your projects before you deploy. Open projects by scanning QR codes.

iOS AppAndroid App

Need Help?

Resources to get help with BarCloud

Dive in to learn all about BarCloud development

Development Tools

Everything you need to start creating with BarCloud


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